

英漢字典: come over

1. come from a distance;pass overhead or above 從遠處來;從…上經過

    He came over from North America last week,just to see us. 他上週從北美專程來看我們。

    It's very noisy here because planes are coming over all the time. 這兒嗓音很大,因為老是有飛機從頭上飛過。

2. change sides or opinions改變立場或意見

    How would you like to come over to us?You could double your salary within a year. 你願不願到我們這兒來?一年內你的工資就會加倍。

    After a long debate they all came over to our side. 經過長時間的辯論,他們全站到我們這一邊來了。

3. come from the other side of,as across a road to pay a visit隨便來訪

    You really must come over sometime and have dinner with us. 你該抽時間過來跟我們一起吃頓飯。

    Come over anytime;we're always in. 什麼時候來玩都行,我們一直在家。

4. suddenly feel(queer,funny and dizzy)感到(奇怪、有趣、頭暈等)

    She came over all dizzy just now. 她剛才一陣頭昏眼花。

    I came over ill,so I had to lie down. 我感到不舒服,因此我不得不躺下。

    A fit of dizziness came over me. 我突然感到一陣頭暈。

    A feeling of shame came over her face. 她臉上掠過一陣羞愧的神情。

5. be heard or seen on radio or TV 收看;收聽

    The programmes came over very well on my TV set. 我的電視機收看效果很好。

    His speech on the radio came over very well. 他的廣播講話聽得很清楚。

6. cheat or fool(sb. )欺騙或愚弄(某人)

    He can't come over me with his story. 他那套鬼話騙不了我。

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